Several of the poems herein appeared in a first volume And The Fires Not Green, which evoked the following comments:
"I was very moved." Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer--Theologian, Philosopher, Author, Movie Producer.
"...a fine poetry volume...Loved the poems." Vincent Price--Actor, Art Historian, Author, Touring Lecturer on Literature.
"(the poems) show a level of personal, in-depth perception not commonly found...Whetsell is a living camera recording emotions and the ultimate truth...Mr. Whetsell is an artist in the use of comparisons." Max Vickery--Critic, Lecturer.
"I liked 'And The Fires Not Green' very much." Dennis Smith--Author, Editor of Firehouse Magazine.
"I think Dewey Whetsell's book is great!" Philip E. Jenks, Editor TAB Magazine
"The poems are forceful, thoughtful...meant to be read aloud." Donna Douglas, Staff Writer, Muncie Star.