Thursday, March 15, 2007


"The Assassinations" is my impression of an era in America that left everyone reeling. Starting with the assassination of golden Jack (Kennedy): the scene that TV viewers had electronically injected into our collective psyches, when on a sunny Dallas day...a Dallas ringing cheer of lead that sent the beautiful knight quite dead.
Then, the decade spiraled on down. Of course, we say, 'twon't be unsung, but God, it has all only just begun with the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy: The same went on with Reverend King, and the sting that stung young brother Bob; the "crack" and smoking-barreled increased the blood stains on our floors.....and nailed our souls to the chapel door (and yes..."nailed our souls to the chapel door" is a reference to King's namesake, the original Martin Luther.